The Potential Cost of Waiting

Waiting to purchase a home could have unwanted results.


Monthly Payment: $1,200
Home Price
Interest Rate


Monthly Payment: $1,200
If home price increases by:
If interest rate increases by:

This is a calculator for consumer use. Rates shown here are arbitrary defaults and/or user defined and do not constitute an advertisement or offer to lend.


If home prices and/or mortgage rates increase, so too will the total monthly payment required to finance and own a home. This calculator allows a user to adjust the sales price and mortgage loan rate to see the impact any increases may have.

Important: Rates shown here are user defined/controlled. This calculator is neither an advertisement nor an offer to lend. Actual terms are subject to change at anytime.

The default payment calculations here are based on a 10% down payment, a 30 year fixed rate amortization and national average expenses for property taxes, insurance and if applicable, Mortgage Insurance rates. Users can adjust any or all factors in the "Adjust Factors" section.

Have Questions? For more information or an analysis specific to your situation, please reach out using the contact information below.

Here you can adjust certain factors of the calculation to better meet with your area or property.

For use only by LoanCatcher.